Can I borrow a laptop to take with me?

PC laptops and Chromebooks are available to borrow for until the end of the day. Please see our Tech Tools page linked below for additional information about laptops and other electronic devices available to borrow.

If you are struggling to gain access to the required technology resources, please see the BITS Service page for information about a Student Technology Resources Request and other options available to you. If you are having trouble paying for a laptop for college, consider applying for the Golden Eagle Opportunity Fund or speaking with your financial aid advisor.

Answered By: Alicia Marrese
Last Updated: Dec 30, 2024 Views: 204

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(585) 395-2760

2. Meet with a Subject Librarian

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Make an Appointment

Appointments are generally available as soon as tomorrow. If your needs are urgent, you should email the appropriate librarian for your subject below.