Alternatively, you can use WorldCat to find the item you want and click the Request via Primo button. This will take you to the item's page in library search.
Sign in if you have not done so already. If you are signed in, your name will be in the upper right corner of the page.
Click on the title to display the full record and look at the How to Get It section to see the request options.
There are different request options that will display based on who owns the item:
If the item is owned by Drake, you'll see the 'Hold Request' link.
If item is not owned by Drake, you'll see the 'Place Request' link. These items will take longer to arrive, as we need to borrow them from another library.
Most of the request form will already be filled out, but select Brockport Downtown as the pickup location and include any other pertinent information in the Comment section.
Click Send Request. Library staff will receive the request and work on getting it to you! Check your Brockport email for updates.