Placing a Personal Delivery Request - Graduate Students
Currently, Graduate Students are able to request that Brockport items and items from other libraries (borrowed through Interlibrary Loan) be delivered to their home address. Please follow the following steps in order to ensure that you get your item in the fastest possible time.
1. All items must be requested to through a library search. Let’s follow this example. If you want a book about a dinosaur you can search for one from the library home page:
2. Look at the list of results and find one you like:
3. If you haven't already, log in to see your request options. If you are not logged in, there will be a yellow sign in bar prompting you to do so.
4. If this is an item owned by Drake Library, under How to Get It there will be an option called Hold Request.
If the item is not owned by Drake Library, after logging in you will see a Place Request option.
5. Each option opens up a request form that allows you to choose a pickup location. Select Home Address as your pickup location to have the item shipped to you.
6. Fill out the forms and hit send request to submit the request to library staff. Once we have the item available, it will be shipped out to you with return instructions.